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Platelet Rich Plasma Hair Loss Treatment

PRP, or Platelet Rich Plasma, is a rapidly expanding and exciting treatment to manage hair thinning in both men and women. PRP is also suitable for those looking to prevent hair loss in the future.

Hair loss on the top of the head

Does PRP reverse and prevent hair loss?

PRP as a treatment for hair loss is supported by an increasing number of scientifically based articles showing increased hair count, hair thickness and growing hair follicles.

Donating Blood
PRP manufacture with three test tubes

How do you make PRP?

PRP involves taking a sample of your blood and then spinning it in a centrifuge. This separates the blood Into layers. The red layer contains all the red blood cells. The upper yellow layer (or plasma) contains the platelets. It is this layer which is used during your treatment.

What does PRP contain?

Platelets hold the key to regenerative medicine and contain over 300 growth factors. These growth factors not only help stimulate the activity of the hair follicles and promote new hair growth but also improve the fine blood supply of the scalp, which leads to thicker and healthier hair.

Image by National Cancer Institute

What types of hair loss can you treat?

Androgenic alopecia, commonly known as male-pattern and female-pattern baldness, is the most common kind of hair loss that can be treated with PRP therapy. Starting treatment in the early stages of hair loss is more likely to be effective. PRP may also help with hair loss caused by alopecia areata, an autoimmune condition in which hair falls out in clumps, producing circular bald areas.

PRP therapy is less likely to be effective if your hair loss is caused by a disorder that produces scarring on the scalp, such as lupus. Hair follicles cannot usually be reactivated when scarring has occurred.

How does PRP promote or prevent hair loss?

PRP is an excellent option if you suffer from hair loss. If you have thinning hair, PRP slows hair loss and promotes hair regrowth. Although we are still not sure how it works, there is more and more evidence that it does. PRP is also used during or after hair transplantation surgery.

PRP treatment is a non-surgical medical procedure that involves injecting concentrated plasma rich in growth factors and nutrients extracted from your blood into areas of your scalp where hair growth is needed.

How many PRP treatments do I need?

Three sessions, up to eight weeks apart, make up an entire course of PRP treatment for hair loss. You should notice new hair growth four to six weeks after treatment. You may require maintenance treatments every six to twelve months to keep seeing benefits.

Want to learn more?

Although not everyone will get the same results, or there is a guarantee that it will work, PRP is an ideal first step in treating thinning hair. The quality of platelets is crucial, and we only use the latest and most innovative system on the market (made by RegenLab) to maximise the success of your treatment and end results.


If you want to learn more, book a consultation with Dr Andy.

Image by ANIRUDH


30 minutes

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