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Platelet Rich Plasma

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a treatment that involves using your platelets for skin rejuvenation.

Platelets contain growth factors, which are proteins that help to stimulate the growth of new cells and tissues.

In addition, your platelets promote tissue regeneration and healing.

When injected, your platelets form a strong scaffold and release a regenerative cocktail over 10-14 days.m stimulating the growth of new healthier cells.


This is a novel, safe form of rejuvenating treatment.


What's more, You are using your blood, not any artificial products, to recharge and replenish your skin!

What is PRP

How do you make PRP?


To create PRP, a small amount of blood is drawn from your arm and then processed in a specialised centrifuge to separate the platelets from the other blood components, such as the red blood cells.

Only the top layer of blood is used, which contains all the platelets, not the red cells. See Vampire Facial - Myth and Folk Law

The platelets can then either be injected under the skin or used with microneedling or peels.

The procedure usually takes one hour to complete.


The resulting concentration of platelets is then injected into the injured area or site of tissue damage, where the growth factors can stimulate tissue regeneration and promote healing.

How do you make PRP
PRP manufacture with three test tubes
Donating Blood

Platelet-Rich Plasma Benefits

  • They increase the production of collagen naturally

  • They can rejuvenate the skin

  • They improve fine lines and soften wrinkles

  • They tighten loose skin

  • They improve skin texture and tone

Platelet Rich Plasma Benefits
Image by National Cancer Institute
Learn more About PRP

Combining dermal fillers with PRP


One of the best ways to get lasting volume and regeneration is to mix the liquid PRP with a dermal filler. This gives you an instant volumising effect with the additional benefits of the slow release of growth factors. Something dermal fillers can do on their own.

Combining PRP with Dermal Filler

Cost of PRP Treatment


The cost of PRP treatments varies according to the type of treatment, the time it takes to process your blood and the end product used.

For example, the tubes which contain prefilled dermal filler cost more than those without.

In addition, the time taken to prepare and inject the product differs.

The good thing about PRP is that it can be used as a pan facial treatment without many of the risks associated with dermal fillers.

While the cost is comparable to some dermal fillers, the results are more natural.


There is also no risk of allergic reactions or immediate or delayed hypersensitivity reactions such as granulomas or nodules.

See our Pricelist Page for further information.

Cost of PRP Treatment
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Questions and Answers About PRP

Further information

For unbiased facts and information about platelet treatments, click on the following links:

Save Face


ACE Group


Further Information About PRP
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